Although enrollment in nursing schools is
increasing and financial and workplace incentives have attracted more nurses to
the profession, the demand for registered nurses continues to exceed the supply.
Federal estimates project more than 600,000 new jobs for RN's will be created by
the year 2000 to meet the escalating demands in all health care settings. To
meet this need, the current supply of all nurses must increase by nearly 45%.
The Nurse Education Act (NEA) provides funding for
several areas including advanced nursing education, nurse practitioners,
certified nurse midwives, disadvantaged students direct support, traineeships
for graduate students and nurse anesthetist students, a loan repayment program,
and an undergraduate scholarship program.
The National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR)
provides grant opportunities to expand the scientific knowledge base of
professional nursing.
AASCIN supports the highest level of
authorization and appropriations for the NEA and NCNR.
(adopted 9/91)